Evanescencella aikomuksena käyttää vuosi 2019 seuraavaa albumiaan suunnitellen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 28.12.2018

Yhdysvaltalaisen rockyhtye Evanescencen laulaja Amy Lee on kertonut tuoreessa 93.3 WMMR Rocks!:n haastattelussa, että yhtyeellä on suunnitelmissa aloittaa tulevan albuminsa kirjoittaminen vuoden 2019 aikana. Amy on paljastanut bändin aikovan kuitenkin tehdä albumiaan kaikessa rauhassa, joten bändiltä tuskin tullaan kuulemaan uutta musiikkia vielä ensi vuoden aikana. Amy kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:

”We all really wanna do it. And it’s not one of those things where it’s, like, ’Someday, maybe we’ll do something again.’ Everybody’s onboard, and we’re getting together to do a few shows next year in [the rock] style — partially because I think it’ll be good for us to get back to that root, just get back to playing EVANESCENCE-style rock and roll and just jive together again.”

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”I really love my band; I really hanging out with them; and I really like making music with them. When we get together, a lot of times, it’s just that we’re just starting out some big tour, so it’s a lot of rehearsing and remembering and repeating. But we’re filled, as we hang out and play together, with ideas and inspiration that we don’t really have time on a show day to get together and jam and flesh out any ideas. So I think it’s gonna be cool that instead of getting on a long tour, next year is sort of an open year for getting inspired and being creative and getting together to play a few shows also. So we have the time to get together and feel each other, be a band, but also there’s room all around us for us to go, ’Okay. That was fun. I’ve got an idea. How about next week? Is everybody free? Let’s get together. Let’s jam. Let’s see how it goes.’ Because we can. So I’m looking forward to that. The timeline is just that. We’re gonna really spend next year trying to focus on figuring out exactly what we want it to sound like, trying to write some songs and see what happens. So, I don’t know… We’re just gonna be working on it next year. Hopefully by the end… I’m sure by the end of the year, we’ll kind of know what’s going on. [Laughs]”

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