Evanescencen Amy Lee: ”Aiomme julkaista albumimme modernisti yksi kappale kerrallaan”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 24.8.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen rock-yhtye Evanescence on julkaissut jo muutaman kappaleen tulevalta albumiltaan, mutta ei siltikään ole vielä saanut tämän vuoden aikana ilmestyvää albumiaan valmiiksi. Yhtyeen laulaja Amy Lee on antanut ”The Bitter Truth” -albumiin liittyen Sirius XM:lle haastattelun, jossa on kertonut yhtyeen aikovan jatkaa albumin kirjoittamista samaan aikaan kun siltä julkaistaan musiikkia. Amyn mukaan bändi aikoo toimia modernilla tavalla ja julkaista levyltä aina kappaleen kerrallaan, mutta aikovan silti julkaista kokonaisen albumin vielä toivottavasti tämän vuoden aikana. Amy kertoi bändin suunnitelmista seuraavaa:

”We’re still writing, but we’re also recording. We got four songs down, and then we really had to just be apart. And that was kind of good, but kind of hard — we just worked remotely for a while. We got the American bandmembers back together. After getting COVID tests and tour buses brought guys from both coasts, we all holed up in Nick Raskulinecz, our producer, his private studio, so we were quarantining together for a little over a month.

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Let me tell you — after not having the option of being together when we had wanted to so much and having so much isolation before that, the fact that we had created a safe way to get together just totally made it more meaningful and more passionate and lit a bigger fire under us to make it our best. So we were able to get together and finish some writing, do some more writing together, and then record the band parts. The guys have gone home now. And we’re working with Jen [Majura, guitar] remotely. But now I’m still here, finishing lyrics, working on keyboards, working on vocals. So we’re still ongoing.”

Amyn mukaan on vielä epäselvää, milloin albumi julkaistaan kokonaisuudessaan:

”We don’t have a release date, but I kind of like to look at it like it’s happening now. The idea behind this whole thing was always to just go one at a time, release it a little at a time, in real time with the fans while it’s still going on and it’s still fresh, and just live in the moment more. So in my mind, it is being released — this is part of it. We live in a new world where it’s not all about just dropping a big pile of music all at once. People don’t always consume music that way — I don’t. So I still wanna make an album — that’s part of who we are, and I think that’s important to our fans, that we’re doing that — and we’ll drop the back half, or whatever, soon. But I don’t have a date, ’cause I never wanna put a date down while I’m still writing, ’cause I don’t wanna get to the last minute and be, like, ’Anything. Just put some words down.’ I can’t do that. It has to be right, and sometimes it takes a minute.”

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