Evanescencen Amy Lee avaa syitä yhtyeen levytystauon venymiselle
Yhdysvaltalainen rock-yhtye Evanescence on työstänyt tulevaa ”The Bitter Truth” -albumiaan viime ajat. Yhtye on julkaissut levyltä muutaman kappaleen, ja itse albumin on määrä ilmestyä loppuvuoden aikana. Yhtyeen laulaja Amy Lee kertoi WRIF-radiokanavan Meltdown-lähetyksessä syitä, miksi yhtyeen studioalbumien välinen tauko on venynyt yhdeksän vuoden mittaiseksi. Syitä on ollut laulajan mukaan useita, muun muassa Leen perheenlisäys, elokuvamusiikin teko ja yksinkertaisesti halu tehdä muuta. Lee kertoi:
”Lots of reasons. I like to have an open mind about what I can be and what I can do in life.
I love the music I’ve made with this band, and there are times that I have been more excited about it and passionate about it and in love with and wanting to pour into it than others. Sometimes you have to get away from it. It’s such a full saturation.
The way that our cycles have always gone, really — it started to change now; we found a way to really break it up — that is all you can do for that however many years period of your life with each cycle. Between writing the music and everything that goes along with that, to then going on tour and all the amazing stuff that goes along with that, and releasing the album, and promoting the album, and then at the end of it, I’m always, like, ’I quit’ — almost every time. I’m, like, ’I don’t know if I’m ever gonna do this again. That was amazing. I love it so much.’ I don’t feel like I’m gonna have that kind of a struggle anymore. A lot has changed on the inside. Our representation on every level has grown and changed, and we are fully supported by an awesome team that believes in us and supports us. And it doesn’t feel so much like going to war to create an album anymore either, like it used to.
But besides all of that stuff, the space between the third album and this one, a lot of it was I wanted to go down some different creative roads. I had my first and only child, Jack. And I did some film-score stuff.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
Uusi kitaristi Jen Majura liittyi yhtyeeseen vuonna 2015, minkä jälkeen yhtye aktivoitui keikkarintamalla. Paria vuotta myöhemmin ilmestyi ”Synthesis”-albumi, joka sisälsi vanhojen kappaleiden uudelleensovitettuja versioita. Tämän jälkeen kipinä uuden albumin kirjoittamiseen syntyi.
”I kind of thought that becoming a mom would make me not wanna work — like I’d just wanna focus only on being a mom, but it actually just gave me so much — I don’t know — perspective. Like, you get a different perspective, and suddenly, as a creative person, you just think of different things that you wanna do, because your mind’s working in a different way. I made a kids album with my family, worked on a couple of different movie things and some little solo things. And I just found other ways to be creative. And then by the time the band got back together, we got Jen, who’s a beautiful, amazing addition to our band… We got Jen in 2015, and we started just touring again and really enjoying playing again. That was the first step back — just play shows and get into it and remember who you are and everything that this is and can be, with our fan community and just the whole world of what it is. And then we did the ’Synthesis’ thing together, with a full orchestra and a lot of the electronic stuff, and just took our music into a different place with a different focus, which was challenging and fun and different. And then it was, like, ’Okay, we’re ready.’ So we just started doing writing sessions. So it’s just been a long but natural road, just following what feels good.
I can’t tell you how much fire we all have, but I — I can speak for myself — really had about making this music right now with my band. It’s coming at a time when I need it very much, and a lot of the feelings that I pour into the music for the band are about a struggle — about going through something that’s difficult, and I’m processing it, or raging against. And this is a time where I feel those feelings, and I know a lot of people in the world do too. So I feel like I’m right where I’m supposed to be.”