Evil Drive julkisti uuden basistinsa: Matti Sorsa liittyy vahvistamaan yhtyettä
Kotkalainen metalliyhtye Evil Drive on tiedottanut kiinnittäneensä riveihinsä uudeksi basistiksi Matti Sorsan. Yhtyeen laulaja Viktoria Viren kommentoi yhtyeen tuoreinta vahvistusta seuraavasti:
”The band is now twenty years younger than on the previous album. New members have brought lots of positive energy to the band and both of them are excellent musicians. The co-chemistry is better than ever before, which is really important in a band.”
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Basisti Sorsa puolestaan hehkuttaa Evil Driven menoa seuraavin sanoin:
”It is such a great opportunity in life to join a band that I first discovered back in 2013, when I heard their demos on the internet. For me it was love at first sight (or should one say after first listening). Band’s main influences could be heard such as Iron Maiden, Slayer etc. Both of them my personal favorites. It is a real dream come true to have a change to join the band that I have been fan for many years.”
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