Ex-DevilDriver-kitaristi julkisti Verona on Venus -yhtyeensä uudet jäsenet – ”Pretty”-single julkaistu

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 15.10.2024

Metalliyhtye DevilDriverin entinen kitaristi Mike Spreitzer on julkistanut uuteen Verona on Venus -yhtyeeseensä pestatut jäsenet. Vokaaleista vastaavan Spreitzerin lisäksi yhtyeen riveissä soittavat Neal Tiemann (kitara), Lucas Kanopa (kitara), Austin D’Amond (rummut) ja Ovo (basso). Yhtye julkaisi myös uuden ”Pretty”-singlen musiikkivideoineen.
Spreitzer kertoo kappaleesta:

“”Pretty” is a dark love song about a hypothetical scenario where a couple, captivated by one another, abandon their faith in humanity, witness the demise of civilization, and live happily as the last two people on Earth. The idea was inspired by an experiment called Universe 25 where rats were used to compare their behavior in high-density environments versus low-density environments. The rats demonstrated how excessive overcrowding could lead to social breakdown, aggression, and population decline. This process is known as a ”behavioral sink.””

Uusista yhtyetovereistaan Spreitzer kommentoi:

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“The song finalizes the first chapter of Verona on Venus. Now that I have a full band, my focus will solely be on playing live. I have a long history with Neal Tiemann and Austin D’Amond. Our chemistry as musicians and friends is something I could never lay to rest. Lucas Kanopa and I have known each other for many years and he was at the top of my list as a potential guitarist for VoV. His skill level is above and beyond my expectations. Our bassist Ovo, well, Ovo is Ovo.”

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