Ex-Mushroomhead-solisti Waylon Reavisilla on todettu paksusuolen syöpä
A Killer’s Confession– ja ex-Mushroomhead-solisti Waylon Reavis kertoo saaneensa syöpädiagnoosin lokakuussa. Reavis totesi Headbangers Con -haastattelussa syövän kulkevan perheessään ja tehneensä elämäntapamuutoksia taistellakseen tautia vastaan:
”My father passed away from this at 58 years old, and my mother passed at 39 from breast cancer. I was just waiting for my time. Luckily, they caught it early, and they were able to cut it all out. I have had four removed, but they keep growing fast. I have changed my entire diet, thanks to my wife and taking medications. I may have to battle this the rest of my life, but I am going to live my life happy and fight.”
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Laulaja kertoi, että ensi vuonna julkaistavan, kolmannen A Killer’s Confession -albumin pari kappaletta käsittelevät sekä hänen että hänen isänsä taistelua syöpää vastaan:
”A couple of songs are about my cancer and about my father. Those songs mean a lot to me. I cannot wait for everyone to hear them. I’m really excited about this one. Every album I write is different and will never be the same as the others. This one is both heavy and melodic. I took myself back to my roots. It’s what the fans want, so I always like to give them what they have been waiting to hear.”
Waylon Reavis toimi Mushroomheadin laulajana vuodesta 2004 vuoteen 2015 asti.