Exodus-nokkamies Steve ”Zetro” Souza kertoo Death Angel -rumpali Will Carrollin voinnin kohentuneen teho-osastolla

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 24.3.2020

Julkaisimme sivustollamme hiljattain uutisen, jossa kerroimme yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metal -yhtye Death Angelin rumpalin Will Carrollin joutuneen teho-osastolle ilmeisesti koronavirustartunnan vuoksi. Nyt Exoduksen laulaja Steve ”Zetro” Souza on julkaissut YouTubessa reilun kymmenen minuutin mittaisen videon, jossa hän on kertonut Will Carrollin olon huhujen mukaan hieman kohentuneen tehohoidossa. Hän kertoi koronaviruksesta sekä bändin hiljattaisesta Euroopan-kiertueesta seuraavaa:

”You’ve gotta understand that [we were] meeting fans and [we were] meeting different people and [we were] all using the same facilities and the same catering and [we were] all around each other constantly, so it makes good sense why so many people from the tour caught it.

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If I have [the disease], I don’t have any symptoms of it. I don’t feel bad at all. I am sleeping really well. I feel strong as an ox. I wish the gyms weren’t closed; I’d be there every day, unfortunately.

The only one from our camp who seems to be sick is Gary, who showed signs of it. But his test won’t come back for quite some time now — seven to 10 days, I believe. Why that is, I don’t know. But him and his wife were tested. Now, I spoke to him this morning, and he feels better, although he still has a little bit of the symptoms sometimes, but he says he feels much better on that.

Obviously, everybody knows, yesterday, Chuck Billy and his wife Tiffany had went on the Internet and told everybody that they have contracted it as well, which means now more people, it looks like. And I believe there’s two of their techs in their camp, that worked for them, have contracted it as well.

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I don’t even know if Will [has tested] positive. Will Carroll is very sick. He’s in the ICU right now. I heard he’s doing a lot better, but the news is very vague.

We’re doing all right in the EXODUS camp. Really, Gary’s the only one that’s sick as far as the techs. And the rest of the band, everybody’s doing good. A couple of guys in DEATH ANGEL are not feeling too well but getting better. Chuck and his wife and a couple of their techs not feeling too well, but they’re getting better. So just keep your fingers crossed.”

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