Exodus pestasi entisen rumpalinsa John Tempestan väliaikaisesti livekeikoilleen

Kirjoittanut Satu Haiko - 17.8.2021

Yhdysvaltalainen thrash metal-yhtye Exodus palkkasi väliaikaisesti entisen rumpalinsa John Tempestan syöpäleikkauksesta toipuvan nykyisen rumpalinsa Tom Huntingin tilalle. Viime kuussa Huntingilta poistettiin mahalaukku sieltä helmikuussa löytyneen kasvaimen takia. Bändi kertoo tiedotteessaan:

“Due to Tom’s continued recovery from his surgery, we are announcing that for our show in Vegas and ‘Full Terror Assault‘, we will be joined by John Tempesta on drums!! John was Tom’s ( and our) number one choice to jump behind the kit in his absence, and John will kill it while Tom continues his recovery, which is going very well!! Looking forward to seeing everyone who is coming to Vegas for the show. And looking forward to getting Tom healthy and back behind his kit as soon as possible! But let’s welcome John back for two shows where he started.”

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Hunting itse kommentoi:

“Hey Y’all

I’m 5 weeks out from the surgery and on the mend. I’m feeling stronger all the time and I’m beyond excited to get back to working out on the drums. Unfortunately I won’t be ready for the upcoming Vegas and Full Terror Assault shows. Originally I thought if I could walk, I could play.

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I need to manage my own expectations, and then work my very core back into shape to be fully ready for action. I have no doubt I’ll bounce back and get there. I wanna express my undying love and gratitude to our brother Johnny Tempesta for agreeing to play in my absence. I’m 100% sure he will crush playing this music! I’ll check in again very soon. Thanks Soooo Much And CHEERS EVERYONE!!!!”

Tempesta lisäsi vielä:

“I’m very excited and honored to fill in for my brother Tom as heals from surgery. Looking forward to these shows and being back with the Exodus family!”

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