Eyes Set to Kill laulajalta sooloalbumi

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 1.9.2010

Yhdysvaltalaisen post-hardcore bändin Eyes Set to Killin solisti Alexia Rodriguez julkaisee sooloalbumi ”Lexia: Underground Soundsin” lokakuun 12. päivä. Albumi tulee poikkeamaan tyyliltään Eyes Set to Killin musiikista. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Rodriguezin kommentin asiasta.

When I’m on the road I have nothing but time on my hands, so for the most part I’m always trying to find something constructive to kill the time,” Lexia commented. “The songs I write on the road are mellow and chilled, which don’t necessarily work as Eyes Set To Kill songs. I try to write songs in different styles and genres and just demo them for myself. I never thought about putting out a solo album, but my manager heard them and freaked out saying, ‘These are amazing, you have to release them!’ At first I was nervous and wondering what my band would think, but they were super supportive of the idea.

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