Faith No More uudelleenjulkaisee debyyttialbuminsa: Katso 1986 kuvattu livevideo ”The Jungle” -kappaleesta

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 29.7.2016

FNM live 1986Yhdysvaltalainen rock-yhtye Faith No More on julkaissut  vuonna 1986 San Fransiscossa Chris Husbandin nauhoittaman livevideon ”The Jungle” -nimisestä kappaleestaan. Sekä kappale että video löytyvät yhtyeen ”We Care A Lot” -debyytialbumin uusintaversiolta, joka julkaistaan elokuun 19. päivä basisti Billy Gouldin oman Koolarrow Records -levy-yhtiön kautta. Ostamalla albumin ennakkoon iTunesin kautta voit välittömästi ladata kappaleet ”The Jungle”, ”We Care A Lot” ja ”As The Worm Turns”. Albumin 1985 julkaistu alkuperäisversio ei ole ollut saatavilla kahteen kymmeneen vuoteen. Voit katsoa uuden livevideon tästä:

Gould kertoo albumista seuraavaa:

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”This was an album that started as a demo, before any label had any interest in us.

”There were a couple of reasons we decided to release this now: first of all, it’s been 20 years since it has been commercially available. Secondly, when cleaning out my basement, I discovered the original master reels, and we all thought that resurrecting this from the original tapes would be a great way to reintroduce ’We Care A Lot’ into the world. Lastly, this has been a band effort; we are releasing this in the same way as we recorded it, deciding everything amongst ourselves and getting our hands deep into the nuts and bolts… just like we used to.”

Kosketinsoittaja Randy Bottum kommentoi yhtyeen sekä albumin inspiraatiota seuraavasti:

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”When strangers ask what FAITH NO MORE is, I’ve always said, ’well, it’s kind of an art band…’ I say that mostly to distance us from the hard rock world that we’re often times lumped into. I mean, hard rock, sure, that was part of it, but our roots most definitely and pointedly stem from a specific freakout art time and place in San Francisco, a time that no longer exists. In 1982, the hippies mingled with the punks, the artists hung out with the musicians, the dance people and the punks were one and the Satanists and the sexual pioneers… all part of the same scene.

”That weird SF window provided a platform from which we were free to express and cultivate a really uniquely odd sound experience. In Los Angeles, no one really cared much, but SF was always super supportive, encouraging us, directly and not, to get our collective freak on.”

Rumpali Mike Bordin jatkaa:

”We felt like it was time to take the next step.

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”We raised as much money as we were able and booked time at Prairie Sun Studios just north of San Francisco. I can’t remember how long it took us to record the album, but not a lot, maybe a few days. The songs were sharp from having played most of them at various shows. Very stripped down, basic as could be. The place was on a farm in chicken country (Petaluma). Hard work, but a ton of fun too.”

Albumilla laulanut entinen vokalisti Chuck Moisley kommentoi levyä seuraavasti:

”With ’We Care A Lot’, I always felt like I was part of something new and different than anything else out there at the time. It made me feel privileged to be a part of it. The other guys were so cool, and there was so much camaraderie. And that came across in the music; Bordin’s drums battling it out with Billy’s bass in antagonistic harmony, Roddy’s melodic atmosphere, swallowed up by Jim’s crunchy metal riffs. I found my place somewhere between them all, and when the album was finished, it didn’t sound like anything else.”

We Care A Lot (Deluxe Band Edition):
01. We Care A Lot
02. The Jungle
03. Mark Bowen
04. Jim
05. Why Do You Bother
06. Greed
07. Pills for Breakfast
08. As The Worm Turns
09. Arabian Disco
10. New Beginnings
11. We Care A Lot – 2016 Mix
12. Pills for Breakfast – 2016 Mix
13. As The Worm Turns – 2016 Mix
14. Greed – Original Demo
15. Mark Bowen – Original Demo
16. Arabian Disco – Original Demo
17. Intro – Original Demo
18. The Jungle – I-Beam, SF, 1986
19. New Beginnings – I-Beam, SF, 1986

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