Falling In Reversen fani syyttää Ronnie Radkea raiskauksesta
Entisenä Escape The Faten vokalistina tunnettu ja nykyään Falling In Reversessä vaikuttava Ronnie Radke on joutunut vakavien syytöksien kohteeksi. Yhtyeen fani nimeltä Kacee Boswell väittää Ronnien raiskanneen hänet Murray Theaterin keikan jälkeen Murrayssa Utahin osavaltiossa 3. päivä kesäkuuta. Kacee on julkaissut aiheesta seuraavanlaisen kirjoituksen omalle Facebook -sivulleen:
“I’ve been a victim of sexual assault too many times. Once is too many. Four times is too many for any person. Please pray for me”
“Broken nose (previous to assault) bruises all over my body and a three inch contusion on my jaw and torn throat ligaments from fighting back. Thanks Ashley-Jade Thewlis & Levi Rounds for taking care of me and putting that monster on blast.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy“The situation has blown up on social media. He even tweeted about me being a dumbass.
75% is fangirls saying I should kill myself and 25% are people saying he can never come back to Utah.
As if having a rape kit and a severe contusion on my jaw weren’t enough.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy“It was the Murray Police Department and I got a rape kit immediately. I’ve also known him for ten years. Victim shaming is a huge part of the problem with rape culture. I don’t know y’all but I hope as you get older you learn that. Thank you Lacie, Danilo & David.”
Naisen kaveri Levi Rounds on myös julkaissut aiheesta julkisen kirjoituksen Facebookissa jonka voit lukea tästä:
“A pile of literal human garbage named Ronnie Radke gang raped someone really important to me last night (because that’s how real men treat women, with their bodyguard as backup) and tossed her out onto the curb. He’s some has been, talentless musician that was playing the Murray Theater last night. If any of my friends book him, defend him, or even mention his name around me, we aren’t friends anymore. I hope he dies a slow painful death surrounded by people cheering on his suffering, Christ like, minus the martyrdom.
I haven’t cried this much in over a year, and nothing even happened to me. The person it happened to is one of the strongest individuals I’ve ever met in my life. She’s going to be ok. Just the fact that someone can do this to another person makes me sick and sad for our whole race. Fuck him, his garbage music and everything he stands for.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyPlease no shitty jokes. This isn’t an open mic forum. Just me venting online instead of kicking a fucking wall.”
Falling In Reversen Ronnie Radke on puolestaan julkaissut aiheesta Alternative Pressille seuraavanlaisen tiedotteen:
“The Internet is a wonderful place because everyone has a voice. It’s also an awful place for the same reason. This isn’t the first time people have taken it upon themselves to spread ugly, unsubstantiated claims about myself and my friends. No one from our band or crew were arrested in Utah. After our show in Salt Lake City, we were concerned for someone who appeared to be under the influence and called 911. I personally spoke with law enforcement. I certainly was never under arrest or charged with any crime.”
Ronnie Radke on istunut vankilassa kaksi ja puoli vuotta aikoinaan 18- vuotiaan miehen tappoon liittyneestä jutusta. Jutusta lisää voi lukea täältä.