Falling In Reversen Ronnie Radkea vastaan ei nosteta syytettä raiskauksesta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 10.6.2015

Falling In Reverse 2015Uutisoimme hiljattain yhdysvaltalaisen metalcorea soittavan Falling In Reversen vokalistiin Ronnie Radkeen kohdistetuista raiskaussyytteistä bändin fanin Kacee Boswellin toimesta. Nyt tapauksesta on saatu poliisin toimesta lisää tietoa ja poliisin tekemän raportin mukaan on ollut mahdotonta, että Ronnie olisi Kaceen raiskannut tämän kuvailemalla tavalla. Voit lukea poliisin tekemän raportin aiheesta tästä:

“From the complaint: “As best as can be determined from Defendant Boswell’s shifting versions of events, Defendant Boswell claims that, on that night, she was raped two separate times, to wit, (1) during the band’s performance, in the band’s tour bus, with Radke’s bodyguard perpetrating the first alleged rape, and (2) after the band’s performance, in a car en route to Boswell’s home, with Radke and Radke’s bodyguard perpetrating this second alleged rape.”

“Ronald Radke has been exonerated as fully as can occur in less than one week: The police swabbed the tour bus and the car and found no evidence of a rape. The police have taken no action against Radke. The police did not arrest Radke. The prosecutor has not charged Radke. Radke was not required to post bail. No restrictions have been placed on Radke’s movements.”

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“The first rape was impossible, according to the complaint, as Radke’s bodyguard was present on or near the stage during Falling In Reverse’s performance. “The second alleged rape – after the performance, in a 4-door Nissan Maxima sedan, by Radke and the bodyguard – is equally impossible, since, among other reasons, Radke sat in the front of the car while Boswell sat in the back.”

So what does Radke allege happened on the night in question? He admits to a prior “casual intimate relationship” with the alleged victim. Her presence on the tour bus after the show is not in dispute, however, the band and crew say there were never less than a dozen people onboard.

Furthermore, Radke (and other witnesses) say the singer was never alone with the alleged victim.

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After the show, Falling In Reverse buddy Danny Bateman (best known from Fuse TV’s Warped Roadies) offered to drive Boswell, Radke, and Radke’s bodyguard to a local bar called The Woodshed. Bateman drove, Radke sat shotgun, and the other two sat in back.

While en route, according to the complaint, “Radke decided that Boswell was seriously intoxicated or otherwise debilitated in some manner. Radke told Boswell that, instead of going to The Woodshed, Radke wanted the car to take Boswell either to a hospital or to her home. Boswell refused to go to a hospital, instead providing the name of an intersection as the location where she wanted to go.” Once at the intersection, “Boswell initially refused to leave the car; [Bateman] had to help secure her exit from the vehicle. Boswell then sat on the curb, awake, coherent and operating her phone.”

Radke is suing Boswell for Defamatory Statements made online and to the New York Daily News, alleging she acted with some combination of malice, fraud, and/or oppression. “The gist or sting of the Defamatory Statements is that Radke is a rapist, an alleged rapist and/or someone who condones rape by members of his entourage and that Radke has been arrested and has posted bailed [sic] for a violent sexual crime.”

Ronnie Radke puolestaan on tyrmistynyt aiheesta ja päättänyt nostaa syytteen Kacee Boswellia vastaan kunnianloukkauksesta sekä artistin imagon pilaamisesta. Voit lukea tiedotteen aiheesta tästä:

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“Radke’s suit seeks monetary compensation for damages to the singer’s reputation. “The Defamatory Statements make or are likely to make Radke the subject of hatred, contempt, ridicule, obloquy, opprobrium and/or shunning,” and causing damage to his “property, business, trade, profession and/or occupation.”

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