Fear Factory aloitti rahoituskampanjan noustakseen takaisin jaloilleen pitkän oikeudenkäynnin jälkeen
Yhdysvaltalainen industrial metal -pioneeri Fear Factory on aloittanut GoFundMen kautta rahoituskampanjan, jolla se toivoo keräävänsä fanien kautta rahaa 25 000 dollaria tulevan albuminsa uudelleennauhoittamista ja julkaisua varten. Yhtyeen kitaristi Dino Cazares kirjoittaa virallisessa tiedotteessa yhtyeen kärsineen oikeudenkäyntien vuoksi isoja tappioita ja tarvitsevan rahoja päästäkseen takaisin jaloilleen sekä saattaakseen valmiiksi seuraavan albuminsa.
Voit lukea tiedotteen tästä:
”Calling all Fear Factory fans!
As the smoke clears on what has been a very long and arduous period for Fear Factory, we would firstly like to acknowledge our fans for supporting us and being very patient as we again find our footing after a long absence due to an intensive legal dispute.
We are relieved to report that the legal matter surrounding the Fear Factory name has now come to an end and the band is now able to move forward.
It has been a long road in getting to this point and it has certainly not been without it’s challenges both professionally and personally.
As a result, it has caused a significant blow and thrown a wrench into the gears of the Fear Factory machine by creating a heavy financial burden of debt and crushing legal fees associated with the many disputes on the road to reaching a final outcome.
As it stands, Fear Factory are back, but are now facing an uncertain future financially and we need your help to restart the machine to get FF back up and running and firing on all cylinders. The mounting legal hardship and ensuing legalities have caused both the delayed completion and release of our 10th studio album, so we’ve decided to take the unique step of reaching out to our fans to ask for help through a Gofundme page.
If you are able to contribute your donation will go directly towards finishing the new album. We are currently in the post production stage and have yet to complete drums, mixing, mastering and finalizing artwork for a 2021 release.
Any monies raised above our goal will also go towards producing new music videos for the upcoming album which we are excited to get underway as soon as possible.
We understand that the current situation with the global pandemic may make it difficult for a lot of our fans to contribute at this time, as we are also feeling the financial hardship due to the corona virus and recognize the struggles we are all facing at the moment.
We’d like to thank you all for the love and continued support over the last 30 years and hope that together, we can reach our goal.
Please share and help spread the word and also keep a look out, as we will be posting regular updates on the new album as it progresses for everyone to get a peak inside the gears of the machine and a look at the recording and post production process.
Stay safe, Stay positive and know that you have got the power to effect a change.
The machine is still alive!
Thank You
Fear Factory”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
Fear Factoryn toinen osapuoli Burton C. Bell on julkaissut aiheesta virallisen viestin, jonka mukaan hän ei ole osallisena tulevassa rahoituskampanjassa:
Dino on selventänyt Burtonin julkaisemaa tiedotetta faneille seuraavasti:
”This is to address some of the controversy regarding the Fear Factory GoFundMe page. It is not a scam. All donations go toward covering newly incurred production costs and not anyone’s personal legal fees.
On the previous version of the album recording, which was completed in 2017, it had programmed drums. I decided to not make that mistake again and had Mike Heller perform live drums on the record. I later realized I needed to re-track guitars and bass to fit better with the live drums. I also decided to add new keyboards from Rhys Fulber, Damien Rainaud, Igor Khoroshev, Giuseppe Bassi and Max Karon.
Damien Rainaud took over production duties for all this, and Andy Sneap is also handling the mixing and mastering. They all did an amazing job on ‘Genexus‘, and I decided to bring them back for the new album. Burton‘s lead vocals, which were also recorded in full in 2017, will remain on the new version of the album.
Fear Factory has exceeded its limit in borrowing money from the record company to complete the new version of the album. For this reason, and this reason only, a decision was made to ask for outside donations.
Fear Factory would like to thank everyone for there continued support.”