Fear Factoryn Dino Cazares: ”En ole ollut hetkeen missään yhteyksissä Burton C. Bellin kanssa”
Yhdysvaltalainen industrial metal -yhtye Fear Factory aloitti hiljattain oman GoFundMe-kampanjan kerätäkseen rahaa tulevan albuminsa uudelleennauhoittamiseen. Yhtyeen kitaristin Dino Cazaresin aluille laittama kampanja ei saanut laulaja Burton C. Bellin hyväksyntää sillä hän on kutsunut kampanjaa Instagramissaan vain huijaukseksi, jolla Dino pyrkii saamaan takaisin menetettyjä rahojaan bändin läpikäymästä oikeustaistelusta yhtyeen nimeen liittyen. Nyt Dino on antanut Dave ”Higgo” Higginsille MMM Hard N Heavy -nimiseltä australialaiselta radiokanavalta haastattelun, jossa on avannut hieman suhdettaan bändikaveriinsa Burtoniin sekä kertonut hieman enemmän suunnitelmistaan rahoituskampanjan suhteen. Dinon mukaan hän ei itse usko, että Burton olisi kirjoittanut rahoituskampanjaa huijaukseksi kutsuvia tekstejä sosiaaliseen mediaan itse, vaan ne olisi kirjoittanut joku hänen avustajistaan. Dino kuitenkin myöntää haastattelussa, ettei ole ollut hetkeen missään tekemisissä Burtonin kanssa tai edes keskustellut bändin tulevaisuudesta hänen kanssaan. Hän kertoi bändin vuonna 2017 valmistuneen albumin teosta keskellä oikeusprosessia seuraavaa:
”One thing I wanted to make clear is that, at the time, it’s public knowledge that we were all going through a lot of legalities regarding the FEAR FACTORY trademark, the FEAR FACTORY name. So, when we were recording this record, there was no guarantee that it was gonna be called FEAR FACTORY at all, because at the time that we were going through these legalities, everything was on hold and the courts owned the FEAR FACTORY name — they controlled the FEAR FACTORY name. So, when we were actually recording the record, there was absolutely no certainty whatsoever that it was gonna be called FEAR FACTORY. As a matter of fact, fans had found this out, and they were actually trying to help us come up with a name, and they had come up with some pretty creative names that I was definitely considering. But, luckily, things worked out and I won my lawsuit and I was able to regain ownership of the FEAR FACTORY name. Now, fast forward to 2020, again, I regained the name in July. I went back and revisited what we recorded, and I was, like, there are some things that are just missing on this record that I just wanna improve and make better for everybody — for everybody to enjoy a great FEAR FACTORY record.”
Välejään Burton C. Bellin kanssa ja hänen kirjoittamiaan ilkeitä kommentteja rahoituskampanjasta Dino kommentoi seuraavasti:
”I don’t really know who made those comments. Those are on Burton C. Bell’s Instagram and other places that he’s commented on, but that’s not the guy that I know; that’s not the Burton I know. Burton does not lash out at people on Instagram or Facebook — none of his social media is like that. That’s not the person I know. So whoever is controlling his social media might be the one that’s misinformed. Now, those comments didn’t sound like it came from somebody who’s been in the music business for 30 years. Those comments sound like somebody who had no knowledge of how the music business works. And the reason I say that is because of the comment that said that they don’t benefit from this GoFundMe page. And the person [who wrote that] is wrong, because, in the long run, Burton does benefit from this GoFundMe page, and he benefits from a great record when it comes out.”
Kysyttäessä, onko tämä edes keskustellut Burtonin kanssa bändin tulevaisuudesta, kertoi hän seuraavaa:
”No, I have not spoken to him. He’s made it clear that he’s distancing himself from FEAR FACTORY because he is working on [his] ASCENSION OF THE WATCHERS [project]. Now, I’m quoting him, and he’s [told the] media and [gone] on record [as] saying that. We have tried to reach each other over the years, but we do not have exactly the perfect relationship. Usually when Burt’s working on a project, he disappears and he focuses on that. That I know from 30 years of knowing him and being in the business with him — those things I know. And that’s it. There hasn’t been any communication between us two at all whatsoever — lately.”
Kysyttäessä millaista musiikkia bändin tulevalta albumilta voidaan odottaa, Dino kertoi:
”Right now, as of right now, it’s got a very, very ’Genexus’ vibe, the last record. But we do have some aggression on this record that comes from the ’Mechanize’ [2010] era, but I would say a close second to ’Genexus’. It has the groove, it has all the amazing industrial elements that we’ve had over the years, new stuff. Again, we’ve got the production team back, and I’m very excited about that. We’ve got Mike Heller, who’s been with us for the past seven years as our drummer. He slams on this record — he sounds amazing… I don’t wanna give too much away, because it’s not gonna come out till next year. But I can’t wait for people to hear it. I can’t wait to be on the road. I hope the world opens up. I hope we can get back on the road and start touring again. Those are my aspirations that I wanna see happen.”
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