Fear Factoryn Dino Cazares hyppää Soulflyn kelkkaan yhtyeen tulevalle kiertueelle

Kirjoittanut Suvi Seppänen - 5.8.2021

Brasilialaisen metallilegenda Sepulturan perustajana tunnetun Max Cavaleran nykyinen yhtye Soulfly on ilmoittanut, että yhtyeen kitaristina tulevalla Yhdysvaltain kiertueella nähdään Fear Factoryn Dino Cazares. Sekä Cavalera että Cazares hehkuttavat musiikillista yhteistyötä ja pitkää ystävyyttään yhtyeen sosiaalisessa mediassa julkaisemassa tiedotteessa. Cazares kuvailee kaksikon välejä näin:

”The first time I met Max in 1991, I knew we were going to be longtime friends. I was standing at the bar, he grabbed my arm and yelled ’Papa Capado.’ I was like ’who the F@#% are you? He said ’I’m Max’ and from there we just hit it off. That same night I played him the Fear Factory demo tape on his cassette Walkman in his hotel room while we were attending a music convention in Los Angeles. He liked it so much that he wouldn’t give it back, so I had to wrestle him and take it out of his Walkman, haha. It was my only copy. Max told Monte Conner, the A&R director from Roadrunner Records, that we had a new demo that he needed to check out, so our manager at the time sent our demo to Monte after many labels turned us down. The rest is history.

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Over the past 30 years, I’ve guested on a few of Max’s projects and jumped on stage whenever and wherever I could. Now it’s a great honor to be doing this tour alongside Max as the second guitarist. It’s going to be amazing for all the fans to see the two of us playing a selection of Soulfly songs and a few familiar extras.

Much respect to Max and his family — thank you for always making me feel at home with the Soulfly Tribe. Let’s do this!!!! Um Dois Três Quatro.”

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