Six Feet Under vaihtoi rumpalia

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 31.5.2013

Six Feet Under 2012Yhdysvaltalainen death metallia soittava Six Feet Under on vaihtanut rumpalia. Yhtyeen rumpalin virkaa hoitanut Kevin Talley on jättänyt yhtyeen ja hänen tilalleen yhtyeen uudeksi rumpaliksi on valittu Marco Pitruzzella. Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen viesti asiaan liittyen.

“I’m proud to announce a new addition to the ranks of Six Feet Under. Replacing drummer Kevin Talley is our new friend and cohort, Marco Pitruzzella. Marco has worked with Jeff Hughell in their former band, Brain Drill, and is such an amazing talented and great guy. I’m very excited having him in the band and can’t wait to take the stage with Marco this Saturday in Memphis for Scion Rock Fest!

It was good working with Kevin Talley for the past couple of years, but we are very ready and extremely focused on moving the band forward with a new, more stable and permanent lineup for writing as well as touring. Be prepared to be shredded! See you all soon!”

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