Six Feet Under vokalisti hakee rahoitusta tulevaa projektiaan varten

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 24.11.2013

Six Feet Under 2012Yhdysvaltalaisen death metallia soittavan Six Feet Underin vokalisti Chris Barnes ei saanut tarpeeksi rahoitusta tulevalle Ihate -nimiselle projektilleen kautta järjestämänsä joukkorahoituksen kautta. Mies on kuitenkin nyt päättänyt jatkaa kampanjaa tammikuuhun ja toivookin mahdollisimman monen vielä lahjoittavan rahaa projektiinsa. Lue lisää nähdäksesi miehen virallinen viesti aiheeseen liittyen.

“Well…unfortunately after about a month or so of campaigning to raise enough funds to make our debut album, it looks as though our campaign is going to fall short and won’t meet its goal. Instead of just shelving the project and not releasing it, were going to extend the campaign through the holidays until the end of January because we feel so strongly that this material and songwriting needs to be heard.

We know that you guys will really appreciate the sheer intensity and brutal nature of our music. I feel that this album is just a strong of an album, but in a different way musically,as the Torture Killer Swarm! album that I was involved with back in 05-06. Just imagine if that album was never released…
We really want to give everybody a chance to make a pledge and show their support for IHATE.

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In the meantime we will be posting some studio videos next week as well as a demo track.

We hope this extension will give you guys a chance to make a pledge and show us that the death metal underground wants this album released. Please help us make this album a reality and make a pledge – #BeTheMachete”

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