Filter viemässä bändien kaupallistamisen seuraavalle tasolle?

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 22.11.2014

FilterYhdysvaltalainen industrial rockia soittava Filter on viemässä yhtyeiden kaupallistamisen uudelle tasolle. Yhtye on julkaissut omalla Facebook -sivullaan viestin, jonka mukaan yhtyeen fanit voivat varata yhtyeeltä sähköpostin kautta 300 dollarin hintaan Skype / FaceTime ajan ja keskustella tulevan albumin teosta. Voit lukea yhtyeen viestin asiaan liittyen tästä:

“As many of you know, we’re back in the studio, collaborating with the same amazing team that helped produce two of your favorite albums, Short Bus and Title of Record. We’re offering fans the unique opportunity to share in this creative process in a way that we’ve never offered before by allowing them to FaceTime or Skype with us and the sound engineers that created these platinum albums during a live studio session.

So many of you have contacted us with questions about production and music composition and we thought this would be an excellent way for you observe both via a live, unrehearsed writing/recording session in its raw, spontaneous form. For other fans it offers the ultimate experience to be the first to hear the guitar rifs and lyrics that may eventually be recorded as a part of Filter‘s legacy

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These sessions are being offered on a limited basis and may be reserved between the hours of 12-5 pm, (Pacific time) on any day we are scheduled to be in the studio. A full hour is $300, (each additional hour after that is $200), or you can reserve a half hour session for $175. No recording is allowed (screen shots are fine) and we require complete discretion concerning the disclosure of any details of these sessions for obvious reasons.

If you would like additional information or if you’re ready to make a reservation, you can contact us at

We look forward to having you join us.”

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Yhdysvaltalainen Team Sleep on tehnyt samanlaisen asian aikaisemmin, mutta heidän tapauksessaan maksua vastaan pääsi itse käymään studiossa katselemassa albumin nauhoituksia.