Finger Eleven jakoi teaserin ”Adrenaline”-singlestä – uusi albumi tulossa 2025

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 18.7.2024

Kanadalainen rock-yhtye Finger Eleven on jakanut teaserin 2. elokuuta julkaistavasta ”Adrenaline”-singlestään. Kappale tulee olemaan ensimmäinen single yhtyeen ensi vuonna julkaistavalta albumilta. Yhtye on myös tehnyt sopimuksen Better Noise Musicin kanssa.
Vokalisti Scott Anderson kommentoi:

”I’m proud to announce that FINGER ELEVEN has partnered up with Better Noise Music. The digital ink is nearly dry, and we couldn’t be more excited about this new team. Our new single ’Adrenaline’ will be released while we are out on the road with CREED for the whole dang summer. A new album is on the horizon, and so is our tour bus. See you out there!”

Better Noise Musicin Dan Waite kommentoi:

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”As experiences go, signing FINGER ELEVEN backstage on a Latvian NATO base after they just played to a squadron of Canadian military is one that’ll I’ll never forget. It is also an appropriate analogy, as at Better Noise Music we will combine forces to bring their music to the world through our global staff and offices, from Australia to Toronto. We’ll be working them hard at radio and streaming and using our skills in artist development to expand their already large audience. Adrenaline is an appropriate first song for us, as the whole team including managers Dave Morris and Zeke Myers are pumped up for the new music which they will be debuting on their USA Tour with CREED.”