Fit For An Autopsy -kitaristi Patrick Sheridanin upea teko nousi viraaliksi internetissä: auttoi pulaan joutunutta naista moottoritiellä
Yhdysvaltalaisen deathcore-yhtye Fit For An Autopsyn oli määrä esiintyä tämän kesän Nummirockissa, mutta koronaviruksen vuoksi yhtyeen kiertue Euroopassa peruuntui. Yhtye on nyt kuitenkin noussut esille varsin myönteisissä merkeissä, sillä bändin kitaristi Patrick Sheridan oli hiljattain auttanut moottoritiellä pulaan joutunutta naista. Mies oli pysähtynyt kysymään, mikä tällä oli hätänä. Kun nainen oli kertonut bensan loppuneen autosta kesken matkan, oli Patrick ajanut itse hakemaan bensaa naisen autoon, jotta tämä pääsisi jatkamaan matkaansa. Nainen on jakanut kitaristin suuntaan vuolaat kehut Twitterissä, ja voit lukea lisää aiheesta tästä:
”I got stuck on the highway (wasn’t paying attention and ran out of gas).. This white man.. tattoos all over, pulled up behind me, asked what’s wrong, then came back 10 mins later with gas and said ’I didn’t want the cops pulling up to ’help u’ and fucking with you’.”
— Thugnificent ???? (@AfricanPrize) June 18, 2020
I didn’t realize I had run out gas. I was on my way to get an oil change. Then the car just started pulling(my car is relatively new so I was shocked) insurance company said it would take 90 mins for roadside assistance to arrive. And I looked up and saw his BMW.
— Thugnificent ???? (@AfricanPrize) June 18, 2020
I’m honestly so shook. I mean this man SPED down the highway to the exit to go get me some gas. Then asked me if I needed money for gas(I didn’t)…??
— Thugnificent ???? (@AfricanPrize) June 18, 2020
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This is the wonderful man’s IG(he said it’s ok for me to post it). He plays guitar in a band and owns a tattoo shop here in Atl. Patronize him.
— Thugnificent ???? (@AfricanPrize) June 18, 2020
Moral of the story, don’t judge a book by its cover.
— Thugnificent ???? (@AfricanPrize) June 18, 2020
He saw how genuinely shocked I was at how willing he was to help me and said “it sucks that it shocks u that a guy who looks like me is willing to help you, but one step at a time, we will change the world”…I teared up a bit
— Thugnificent ???? (@AfricanPrize) June 18, 2020
You Guys, no he isn’t “trying to smash” nor did he look at me inappropriately at any point in time. We are both happily married. He’s genuinely just a nice guy.
— Thugnificent ???? (@AfricanPrize) June 19, 2020
Sheridan on itse kommentoinut aihetta seuraavasti:
Well, I guess im back on Twitter after not being on here for a pretty long time. Still dont really know how to use it, But here I am. What a wild day for me and the internet.
— Patrick Sheridan (@PatrickFFAA) June 19, 2020