Five Finger Death Punchin entisen kitaristin Jason Hookin uusi yhtye Flat Black julkaisi ”Nothing To Some” -kappaleen – mukana Slipknotin Corey Taylor

Kirjoittanut Atte Itkonen - 22.3.2024

Five Finger Death Punchin entisen kitaristin Jason Hookin johtama Flat Black julkaisi uuden kappaleen ”Nothing To Some”, jolla esiintyy Slipknotin Corey Taylor. Jason Hook kommentoi:

“‘Nothing To Some‘ features the brutal and unapologetic Corey Taylor. This guy is a bottomless pit of creativity and delivered a vocal that perfectly matched what I wanted for this track. The guitar solo is unique on the album in the way that I let it rip with no rhythm guitars underneath. Now that I’m in a one-guitar band, I could strip it down and let it be as raw as Corey is on the vocal track. I remember hammering out live takes with Rob pounding away next to me. It was inspiring.”

Yhtye ei ole vielä ilmoittanut debyyttialbuminsa julkaisuajankohtaa.

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