Five Finger Death Punch @ Hartwall Arena

Five Finger Death Punchin Ivan Moody toivoisi yhtyeen julkaisevan seuraavan albuminsa vuoden 2020 alussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 23.7.2019
Five Finger Death Punch @ Hartwall Arena

Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Five Finger Death Punchin laulaja Ivan Moody on antanut hiljattain Lou Brutusille HardDrive Radiosta videohaastattelun, jossa on kertonut toivovansa bändin julkaisevan seuraavan albuminsa vuoden 2020 alussa. Ivan on kertonut haastattelussa bändin aikovan kuitenkin käyttää kaiken tarvitsemansa ajan levyn tekemiseen, koska on todella kyllästynyt turvalliseen musiikkiin. Ivan kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:

”It’s absolutely open-ended… I don’t want any fucking endgame on it. There’s no end line to it, man. I really want this to be ready when it’s ready. I’d love to have it out by the beginning of 2020. That’s my goal, personally, for multiple reasons, obviously. But I think the more time that we take on this and the more heart that we [put] into it instead of just trying to be on some fucking deadline…

There’s this structured way that everybody has to write their fucking music, and it’s gotta be verse-chorus-verse-chorus-breakdown — out. And it’s so fucking monotonous to me. That’s why I loved PANTERA and METALLICA… KORN — that’s one thing I’ve always loved about those guys, and I will die saying that that is one of my favorite bands of all time; top five, for sure. Not just because of that, but because they always experiment, they’re always pushing boundaries, and their live show never loses momentum. Oh my God — if you wanna look up to somebody in this industry, start with KORN. That’s my opinion. Everybody’s gonna say, ’What about METALLICA?’ And, of course, I love bands like that — fucking PANTERA is my favorite metal band — but KORN set the bar on so many levels that I feel like if I fall short of that, then I have no right or reason to be here anymore.”

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