Five Finger Death Punchin kitaristi kertoo Ivan Moodyn alkoholiongelmista
Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Five Finger Death Punchin kitaristi Zoltan Bathory kertoi Loudwire -sivustolle bändin solistin Ivan Moodyn ongelmista alkoholin kanssa. Moody on muun muassa jättänyt bändin kesken keikan Hollannissa ja joutunut tämän jälkeen katkaisuhoitoon. Moody on kuitenkin jälleen virallisesti yhtyeessä mukana. Bathory kertoo:
”He’s been battling his demons for a long, long time, actually since I’ve known him. He’s always had an issue and sometimes he’s great, sometimes he’s not. It’s a battle. He doesn’t haven’t a substance issue, he’s always had a drinking issue. I started to realize that it was a real misalignment, it’s a real illness. It can’t simply be discarded like, ‘Why can’t you get yourself straight?’ It’s not that simple. So he’s battling this and he’s trying. He’s been in rehab a few times, he’s been in for a longer period of time now.”
”The last three shows were the best shows I’ve seen him do for years. He looked happy and he looked healthier. Obviously, the whole band is around him and everybody’s supporting him and trying to be brothers and understanding and trying to keep him straight. So cross your fingers, I think this is the time when he can do it.”
Five Finger Death Punch saapuu Suomeen marraskuussa In Flamesin ja Of Mice & Menin kanssa. Bändit soittavat Hartwall Arenalla Helsingissä, tiistaina 14. marraskuuta.