Five Finger Death Punchin managerilta virallinen viesti liittyen Ivan Moodyyn kohdistuviin syytöksiin

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 14.8.2015

Five Finger Death Punch Ivan Moody 2015Yhdysvaltalaisen metalliyhtye Five Finger Death Punchin manageri Allen Kovac on päättänyt julkaista virallisen tiedotteen liittyen hiljattaiseen TMZ:n julkaisemaan uutiseen, jonka mukaan yhtyeen vokalisti Ivan Moody olisi pidätetty vaimonsa Holly Smithin pahoinpitelystä Las Vegasissa. Voit lukea Allenin virallisen tiedotteen asian tiimoilta tästä:

Holly Smith has made claims of domestic violence that were dismissed on July 14th, 2015. She has also claimed that she was married to Ivan Moody, which Ivan denies. A search of county clerk records in the location she claims to have gotten married showed no marriage certificate. Ms. Smith has also made statements alleging that Moody is the father of her child which has also been shown to be untrue.

We look forward to proving that there are no grounds for divorce in this case and that Ms Smith is not a credible source of information. Nobody in FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH condones domestic violence or abuse of any kind. The media attention is rife with false allegations and we hope that the media will start to follow the facts so that Ivan can move on.

Given the shameless attempt to become a media star with these false allegations, I think FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH can take this 15 minutes of fame and use the situation to promote their 6th album (GOT YOUR SIX, due out 9/4) and US tour (with Papa Roach, also starting on 9/4) as well. Early projections show the album looks to debut at #1 – we want to thank Ms Smith and TMZ for all their help!