Five Finger Death Punchin rumpali tulevasta ”A Decade Of Destruction” -kokoelmasta: ”Onko meillä edes tarpeeksi hittejä?”
Yhdysvaltalainen metalliyhtye Five Finger Death Punch on julkaisemassa joulukuun 1. päivä uutta ”A Decade Of Destruction” -nimistä albumiaan Prospect Parkin kautta. Yhtyeen rumpali Jeremy Spencer on ahtanut hiljattain lyhyen haastattelun Razor 94.7 -nimiselle radiokanavalle, jossa on itse todennut ensin ihmetelleensä löytyykö bändiltä edes niin montaa hittiä omaa kokoelmaa varten. Jeremy on kertonut aiheesta seuraavaa:
““I was like ‘Do we even have enough hits?’ And then we looked and we have like 13 or 15 radio hits.
It just seems like it just started even though it’s been 10 years. We’re always wrapped up in our vacuum in our cocoon of our daily life. So you don’t pay attention to that stuff and now we’re like ‘we have a greatest hits.’ And the label thought it was the right time. So we were like ‘Cool, let’s put some new songs on it though.’ We don’t wanna make… cause people can pretty much… ya know they have the records already. But now this is a cool package with different stuff on it. The artwork’s really rad on it. It’s cool.”
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