Five Finger Death Punchin Zoltan Bathory kertoo Marilyn Mansonin olevan raitis ja valmistautuvan kiertueeseen
Oikeudenkäyntikohuissa viime aikoina ryvettynyt ja keikkatauolla ollut Marilyn Manson palaa keikkalavoille kesällä. Manson kiertää Amerikkaa Five Finger Death Punchin kanssa. 5FDP kitaristi Zoltan Bathory kommentoi hiljattain The Jesea Lee Show:ssa yhtyeen valintaa ottaa Manson mukaan kiertueelle, uskovansa monien haluavan nähdä Mansonin tämän oltua pitkään poissa kiertueilta ja yhtyeen tukevan Mansonin raitistumista:
“Manson hasn’t been out on the road for a while, so a lot of people wanna see him. At one point he was one of the most iconic artists on planet earth. So he’s back on stage, back in the saddle. That’s gonna be amazing. He’s also sober and clean, so we always support that, obviously. Ivan [Moody] had a dark period, and he was gone, man. My little brother was on the brink of dying, man, and he came back from that. And he’s clean and sober for six years.
If he can do it, somebody who was that gone can do it, and he’s now a different man, then it’s a good example for anyone else. If you’re struggling, man, don’t give up. You can come back from that. And Manson is sober and he’s staying clean and doing the work, so also we’re supporting that. So it’s gonna be an amazing tour.”
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