Foo Fightersin keikalla Minnesotassa Dave Grohl huomioi erityislapsen – autistinen sokea poika pääsi lavalle seuraamaan keikkaa
Foo Fightersin keulamieheltä Dave Grohlilta nähtiin viime torstaina Minnesotassa taas mainio ele, kun laulaja pyysi Owen-nimistä sokeaa ja muun muassa autistista erityislasta tulemaan lavalle. Musiikista kovasti nauttiva Owen pääsi vanhempiensa kanssa istumaan lavan reunalle ja sai Grohlin huomion kappaleiden aikana. Pojan äiti kirjoitti myöhemmin seuraavan tekstin Facebookissa:
“Hello! I am Owen’s mom. Owen is in fact blind, he also has Autism, Crohn’s Disease and developmental disabilities. Owen loves concerts so much. He was definitely not tired, he likes to be held up front at most shows and we take turns [holding him] up so he can dance. Dave Grohl and all of the crew were incredibly kind to our family. We have taken Owen to close to 100 shows. It’s so fun and he brings out the best in so many people. Owen has a pretty huge story and has been through so much in his life already, we are just trying to give him the best life we can.”
Katso videomateriaalia Owenin huomioinnista Foo Fightersin keikalla: