Forever In Combatin yhteistyö Asking Alexandrian Denisin kanssa kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 16.7.2015

Forever In Combat 2015Monikansallinen metalcore-yhtye Forever In Combat on julkaissut Youtuben kautta uuden kappaleen nimeltä ”Lucid Dreams”. Kappaleella vierailevana vokalistina kuullaan Asking Alexandriasta nykyisin tunnettua Denis Stoffia. Voit kuunnella kappaleen tästä:

Asking Alexandrian levy-yhtiö Sumerian Records ei olisi halunnut antaa lupaa ”Lucid Dreams” -kappaleen julkaisuun ja onkin tehnyt kaikkensa jotta kappaletta ei julkaistaisi. Forever In Combat on julkaissut kappaleen julkaisusta seuraavanlaisen tiedotteen:

“Fuck it, whatever anyone says we have the right to release this song and we will. We are not letting higher powers manipulate and push us around. We are fighting for what is right and just.

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The transaction was made in October 2013, when Denis was in Down & Dirty. Back then, he had told us that they had not been signed yet. They were announced as a Sumerian band in December 2014, months after the deal was sealed.

We have no idea as to why they requested us to not release the song. It would have been surely understandable if they would issue a refund of the amount we have paid Denis back then, but they have no intention of doing that. Even though we collaborated with Denis prior to him being signed to Sumerian (or at least has claimed so to us). Our manager have contacted Sumerian for this matter but their representatives have not been co-operative and now, we have had enough and we are not the ones to accept injustice.

Regardless, we hope you enjoy the song and we also hope that it was worth the delay!

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Spread awareness of good music and also this downright absurd story, I think we deserve an extra support for what we are doing, don’t you think?”