Freedom Call julkaisi uuden kappaleen musiikkivideon kera

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 2.11.2016

Freedom Call 2016Saksalaisen power metal-yhtye Freedom Callin levy-yhtiö SPV Records latasi hetki sitten Youtubeen musiikkivideolla varustetun uutuuskappaleen ”Metal is for Everyone”. Kyseessä on lohkaisu tulevalta albumilta ”Master Of Light”, joka saapuu markkinoille marraskuun 18. päivänä. Keulakuva Chris Bay kommentoi musiikkivideota ja kiitteli yhtyeen faneja.



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”Hey Callers, finally here it is! We can’t wait to introduce our brand new video clip “Metal Is For Everyone“ for the upcoming new masterpiece Master Of Light. This time we were initiating an amazingly successful campaign on Facebook, we’ve never seen before. And made it possible, that the craziest metal heads from all around the world are assuming the part of the main actors of the video clip! Whether from Thailand, USA, Australia, Chile, Brazil or from almost entire Europe… so incredible, we wanna thank you so much for your creativity, you were really kicking ass! So we could prove, that two things are absolutely facts: Freedom Call has definitely the best and happiest fans in the world and…METAL IS FOR EVERYONE!”

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