Frozen Factory julkaisi uuden ”Of Pearls & Perils” -albumin

Kirjoittanut Piia Takala - 29.10.2022

Alt-rockia, metallia ja proge-elementtejä tuotannossaan yhdistelevä Frozen Factory on julkaissut toisen kokopitkän studioalbuminsa ”Of Pearls & Perils”. 12 kappaleen mittainen albumi käsittelee muun muassa tasa-arvoa, elämää, tuonpuoleista ja ilmastonmuutosta. Sanoituksissa painiskellaan niin vokalisti Stephen Bakerin oman sisäisen taistelun kuin ihmiskunnan edesottamusten parissa.

“I really cannot comprehend why we’re so careless with our home planet and the living communities that depend on it. I’m sad when I see regular people fighting with other regular people and then voting to give power to people who’re hell-bent on destroying regular folk. I feel like we’ve become so easy to influence, so easy to deceive, so easy to distract with trivial differences.

I’d like to see a safe world where every kind and life-respecting human has the opportunity to reach their potential, no matter what kind of body they possess, beliefs they follow or lifestyle they lead. Our songs are usually a wake-up call, and often written to push myself as well as anyone else who listens, because I sometimes feel lazy and inactive about things that should anger me to the core. I want to be more. I want to do more to help. I want human civilization to succeed.”

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”Of Pearls & Perils” -kappalelista:

  1. Murder in the Depths
  2. Host With the Most
  3. Solar Windfalls
  4. Equalise Power
  5. The Depths of Hell
  6. Loud, Lazy, Late
  7. Pie in the Sky
  8. Absolute in Vanity
  9. We’re Gonna Die
  10. Never is a Theory
  11. Of Pearls & Perils
  12. Deceit Upon the Decks