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Future Palace julkaisi videon uudelle ”Uncontrolled”-kappaleelle

Kirjoittanut Atte Itkonen - 5.4.2024

Saksalainen trio Future Palace on julkaissut musiikkivideon uudelle singlelleen ”Uncontrolled”, joka julkaistiin Arising Empiren kautta. Kappale on bändin ensimmäinen uuden musiikin julkaisu lähes vuoteen. Musiikkivideon ohjasi Pavel Trebukhin, joka on työskennellyt muun muassa Landmvrksin, Imminencen ja Triviumin kanssa.Yhtyeen laulaja Maria Lessing kommentoi:

”’Uncontrolled’ was created in 2022 and was written almost at the same time as the song ’Malphas’, which not only has a similarly heavy musical tone as the new single, but also lyrically speaks of a struggle with oneself. The loss of control in the title primarily relates to one’s own mental health and one’s own decision-making ability. You can no longer manage to get up in the morning and have to constantly regain your strength. You can no longer manage to meet deadlines or function at all. ’Uncontrolled’ represents what it feels like when everything falls apart and seems hopeless.”

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