Geezer Butler lähetti Ozzy Osbournelle Parane pian -paketin kuultuaan tämän sairastumisesta
Englantilaisessa rockin legendassa Black Sabbathissa bassoa soittanut Geezer Butler on lähettänyt entiselle bändikaverilleen Ozzy Osbournelle parane pian -paketin kuultuaan tämän joutumisesta sairaalaan. Geezer on paljastanut asian Kerrang! -magazinelle ja kertonut aiheesta seuraavaa:
”I had just gotten back from hiking through the desert in Utah when I saw the news that Ozzy had cancelled a whole year of touring. I didn’t know what it was all about, so I sent him a get-well thing. Sharon said she passed it on to Ozzy and he was very thankful that I’d been thinking of him and was wishing him better. I really hope he starts feeling better soon… I think the fact we’re all still alive, just about, is pretty impressive.
”We haven’t really seen much of each other since the SABBATH tour finished, only because the farewell tour ended and most of us have been enjoying some time off. Well, I thought I’d retire and love every day of not having to do anything — it was great for the first year — but then I started getting really bored, to be honest.
”I was stuck in my studio writing by myself with no kind of direction and no-one to bounce my ideas with, bored stiff. Then [former GUNS N’ ROSES drummer] Matt Sorum got in touch asking if I would be interested in starting a new band with [Billy Idol guitarist] Steve Stevens, who is an incredible guitarist, and I said, ’Yeah!'”