Gene Hoglan toivoo Dark Angelin julkaisevan seuraavan albuminsa vuoden 2020 aikana
Yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metal -yhtye Dark Angelin edellisestä, ”Time Does Not Heal” -nimisestä albumista on ehtinyt vierähtää jo 28 vuotta. Yhtye aktivoitui uudelleen vuonna 2013, ja nyt rumpali Gene Hoglanin (Death, Testament, Strapping Young Lad) australialaiselle Heavy Magazinelle antaman tuoreen haastattelun mukaan yhtye toivoo julkaisevansa seuraavan albuminsa vuoden 2020 aikana. Gene kertoi Dark Angelin tulevaisuuden suunnitelmista seuraavaa haastattelussa:
”We hope to have the new album out in 2020. We’re hoping for that. It’s been something that Jim Durkin [guitar] and myself have slowly been working towards over the past couple of years. And, that’s another schedule-based situation. The one thing, Jim and I as the writers of the music, we’ve always found that we worked best together when we’re face-to-face in a room. We both got guitars on, and we just recently purchased an electronic kit for Jim’s home studio that we can bash away some riffs on guitars, then it’s, like, ’Hey, Gene. Lay tracks and drums for this. Let’s get the rudimentary demos going for all these tunes.’ So that’s what we’re in the midst of doing at the moment. Tomorrow, for instance, I head up to L.A. to tackle a day of writing with Jim. That’s another thing: Jim lives a couple of hours away up in L.A. I live in San Diego, which is a couple of hours south. As you might have heard, California traffic is what it is. It takes me two and a half hours to get there, then a couple of hours to get home afterward. For every day of writing, that’s pretty much a four-and-a-half-hour travel day for myself, but I love it. I’m willing to do it. It means a lot to us. Hopefully, it means a lot to the fans that we get another DARK ANGEL album out. It’s going to be an ass-kicker, I know it. I’m stoked to see what the future brings for DARK ANGEL. These days with albums and album sales, really, all an album is anymore, it’s a new way to get yourself out on the road. We can accept offers right now and do things right now as kind of a — I don’t want to say a novelty act, or nostalgia act or anything like that, but since we don’t have a new album, there’s, I suppose a feeling or limitation to what we can be doing. It just seems like once you get this new album out, DARK ANGEL, the sky is the limit for you. All the promoters across the world are on board. ’Oh, you got a new album out? Let’s bring you to town.’ That’s our objective and our goal is to get a new record out in 2020. A total ass-kicking, face-ripping, metallic DARK ANGEL record, and then that will open up the avenues for more touring. So that’s what we hope to accomplish.”
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