Ghost Brigade aikoo jäädä määrittelemättömän pitkälle tauolle

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 9.12.2015

Ghost Brigade 2014Jyväskyläläinen metalliyhtye Ghost Brigade aikoo jäädä määrittelemättömän pitkälle tauolle. Yhtye on tiedottanut asiasta oman Facebook -sivunsa kautta ja voit lukea bändin viestin aiheesta tästä:

Dear all, this is an announcement.
After ten years as a band, we are putting Ghost Brigade on hiatus for indefinite period of time.
When we formed this band in 2005, we decided already then that we would do this just as long as we enjoy it. If it ever changes from being something you’re privileged to do to something you have to do, it’s time to take a break. We have reached that point. Motivation issues combined with our hectic lives have simply made it impossible to keep going and give the band the dedication it needs.
We would collectively like to thank you all for your support so far, and your understanding from now on.
Joni, Joni, Veli-Matti, Wille, Tommi, Manne

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