Ghost on saanut uuden EP:nsä valmiiksi
Eräs Ghostin jäsenistä on kertonu uudessa KATT Rock 100.5 -radiokanavan tekemässä haastattelussa, että yhtyeen uusi EP on saatu valmiiksi. Se tulee sisältämään lähinnä covereita, mutta kuitenkin hieman erityylisiä kuin vuonna 2013 julkaistun ”If You Have Ghost” -EP:n lainakappaleet. EP:n on tuottanut Tom Dalgety ja se julkaistaan Loma Vista -levy-yhtiön kautta. Kysyttäessä, miksi Ghost tekee EP:n täyspitkän albumin sijaan, Nameless Ghoul vastasi mm. seuraavaa:
”Because when we do a new record, we need a new Papa and then we’re gonna change eras. We needed more time to… Because this era, especially visually, I think that… I’m not gonna throw stones at the show that we’re doing right now, but this was definitely a baby format of what I had in mind. On an ideal night, at a big theater, it looks okay; I mean, it’s cool, it maximizes the thing that we’re doing. But I felt that we really need another chance to show what we can do if we have a bigger production on this cycle.”
”Obviously, we’re still a band growing… Fortunately, sometimes it’s a growing pain of not… As far as we know, we haven’t really peaked yet, and this tour is bigger than the previous tour in many ways, and the tour that we’re gonna do in the fall that we haven’t announced, so we can’t say it yet, but it’s gonna be even bigger — bigger venues, more dates and all over the place. So it’s useful when you’re growing during an album cycle to sort of put in an extra gear into it, with a new EP and sort of revamp the whole thing, still being thematically the same thing.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
Kysyttäessä, miksi tuleva EP sisältää covereita, hän vastasi seuraavaa:
”It’s just a good way to… It’s a little bit recreational in a way. It’s also a good way for us to incorporate elements… I think it was, in a way, more important when we did ’If You Have Ghost’, because at that point we just had almost two albums done, and we wanted more different types of seasoning to be put into our dish in order to make it interesting. It’s also now… It sort of serves a little bit like… Yeah, if you hear the EP, don’t think that, ’Oh, the next album is gonna sound exactly like this,’ but that is a good way for us to sneak in elements that are, like, you might hear a synth sound like this on the next record, but not as evident. So where ’If You Have Ghosts’ was definitely a new dimension of pop-rock that we hadn’t really done before. I mean, it’s sort of closer to R.E.M. than it is Black Sabbath. We’re not doing the same thing this time, but we’re doing something else in order to get people to feel comfortable with [the direction of the next album].”