Ghost soitti ensimmäisen keikkansa Kardinaali Copian johdolla – katso video

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 9.4.2018

Ghost -yhtyeen uuden keulahahmon, Kardinaali Copian ensihetki koitti perjantaina 6. huhtikuuta, yhtyeen soittaessa erikoiskeikan akustisesti Chicagossa. Yhtye esitti muun muassa uuden singlensä ”Rats”. 

Ghost -vokalisti Tobias Forge on kertonut uuden kappaleen synnystä seuraavaa Loudwiren haastattelussa:

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“When we made ‘Square Hammer,’ we needed a big opening track. It was inspired by various explosive opening tracks and records. Specifically, when I was a kid, there was a concert called the Moscow Peace Festival. It was broadcast on TV. It’s one of those moments that I remember so clearly, I was eight years old. Ozzy Osbourne opened with ‘I Don’t Know,’ and it’s such a fucking great opening track. This was in front of like 80,000 people, who went nuts. I wanted to have that feel with ‘Rats.’ It’s supposed to feel like that sort of opening track. A song that could get 80,000 people to jump. If you ever want to play bigger places, you need to have records that sound like you’re playing in big places.”

Tulevasta uudesta albumista Forge sanoo näin:

”Essentially, it’s a record about survival, even though it’s a record totally drenched with the threat of death. But for me, it is pure, very honest, very real, and for lack of a better phrase. very sincere, Ghost has always been about make-believe. And it’s still about make-believe. But it feels very good to create something that is totally from the heart — not to say that previous records have not been from the heart. But this is very close to the heart. And still be able to intertwine those things.”

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Yhtyeestä on julkaistu lyhyt video esittäessään kappaletta ”Cirice”: