Ghost toivoisi nauhoittavan tulevan albuminsa tuottaja Klas Åhlundin kanssa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 1.5.2017

Ruotsalaisen okkultista rockia soittavan Ghostin Nameless Ghoul on antanut hiljattain haastattelun italialaiselle ”Heavy Demons” -nimiselle radio-ohjelmalle, jossa Ghoulilta on kysytty toiveita yhtyeen tulevan albumin tuottajan suhteen. Nameless Ghouliksi pukeutuneena ollut bändin keulakuva Papa Emeritus on haastattelussa todennut, että yhtye toivoisi nauhoittavan tulevan albumin tuottaja Klas Åhlundin kanssa, joka vastasi myös yhtyeen edellisen ”Meliora” -nimisen albumin tuottamisesta. Nameless Ghoul kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:

”He brought a focus. I liked working with him because he was very, very… questioning. He was, like, ’This part, it sounds like you haven’t really thought about that part so much, where it sounds like this part you spent hours on. Is that true?’ And I was, like, ’As a matter of fact, yes. That part is not as important as that part.’ [And he would tell me], ’Take it off. Take it off. Why do you need it then? Don’t do it.’ [Or he would say], ’Write something else. Write something better.'”

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”You really had to step up your game. And I definitely need that. I like writing like that. I like having to prove myself, because I think that oftentimes… This is definitely what I would do if or when I would produce someone else… Don’t leave anything to chance. Because songs are so important. There’s many, many, many songs written, but not all of them are good. And most people can agree that that song, that song, that song, that song is a good song, be it ’Ace Of Spades’ or ’We’re Not Gonna Take It’ or ’Bohemian Rhapsody’. And what’s common with them is they’re very well written. Even if ’Ace Of Spades’ is, like, raunchy metal, it’s still a song that contains no fat. Take out the fat. Be to the point. And that’s what I learned from Klas.”

”I’m hoping now that we’re gonna work with him again for this album. We haven’t really decided yet; we’re still sort of trying to make the schedules work and all that. But I will forever, for the rest of my life, I will have Klas sitting on my shoulder [guiding me through the songwriting process].”

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