Ghostin Nameless Ghoul: ”Salaperäiseen imagoon ei tarvita anonyymiyttä ja naamioita”
Ruotsalaisen Ghostin Nameless Ghoul antoi Big Smash Radiolle haastattelun 6.5.-8.5. Pohjois-Carolinassa järjestetyillä Carolina Rebellion -festivaaleilla. Kun tältä kysyttiin miten Ghost on onnistunut säilyttämään salaperäisen imagonsa aikana, jona sosiaalinen media pyrkii tuomaan artistien henkilökohtaisimmatkin asiat julkisuuteen, hän vastasi:
”Yeah, well, it’s easy: just don’t update people. Don’t have social media, and soon as anything is being said about you, don’t comment.”
Hän myönsi myös, että mystisyys on vaikuttanut yhtyeen menestykseen positiivisesti:
”I think it definitely plays a part.”
”The thing everybody keeps ranting about is the anonymity, which I have a comment on on the side, but I also think that you don’t have to be anonymous or masked in order to have somewhat of a clandestine image. I mean, there are many artists that I know exactly where they are born and what their names are and where they live, which are still very, sort of, hidden. Even Nick Cave, who has a film about himself nowadays, is still someone who I would claim to be utterly enigmatic.”
”Even if people would know who we are, or you could click on a Wikipedia page saying my date of birth, it does not necessarily mean that I have to go out on social media and tell you where I’m eating. So, yeah, I think even in the future, when it might not be as hidden, or as secret, I think that you can still uphold some sort of… level of fog around you.”
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Nameless Ghoul kertoi myös sosiaalisen median merkityksestä nuorten yhtyeiden kannalta ja siitä, miten Ghost on käyttänyt sitä hyväkseen:
”I definitely think that [it’s] a sign of the times in the sense that other contemporary bands that have gotten big at the same time as us or just before, they do, and they did what they had to do in order to become big, and now they’re stuck, because they have to have an Instagram account each, and they have their little blog and they have their followers and they have to do that in order to maintain.”
”If they stop, they will go down. That’s not saying that they will fall off the face of the earth, but they will feel like, ’Oh, shit.’ It’s highly addictive to have followers and generate ’likes’ and create content, as it’s called.”
”I’m just so glad, especially now when… I’m not saying that we’re looking in hindsight at Facebook, but we can historically look at Facebook and Twitter a little bit, and Instagram, knowing a little bit what effects it has on people, which is, unfortunately, not necessarily a lot of good things. So I’m so glad that… I mean, I’ve never had a personal Facebook account, so if you ever, ever, ever see one with my name on it — whatever that would be — I can assure you it’s not real.”
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