Ghostin Papa meneillään olevasta kiertueesta Iron Maidenin kanssa: ”Maidenin fanit ovat ottaneet meidät hienosti vastaan”
Parhaillaan oikeudessa bändin oikeuksista taistelevan ruotsalaisen okkultista rockia soittavan Ghostin Papa Emeritus on antanut hiljattain haastattelun Free Press Houstonille, jossa on kertonut bändin meneillään olevasta kiertueesta Yhdysvalloissa yhdessä heavy metallin legenda Iron Maidenin kanssa. Papan mukaan yhtyeen kiertue on sujunut Maidenin kanssa loistavasti ja bändin fanit ovatkin ottaneet Ghostin vastaan avosylein jokaisen keikan ajan. Voit lukea Papa Emerituksen mietteitä aiheesta tästä:
”Amazingly well. I mean, coming on to a tour as support is very hard to predict; you can’t expect a lot of things. You can expect things from a practical point of view, like whatever you agree upon. But from a crowd point of view, you have to go in with a very, very open mind, especially with established and iconic bands like IRON MAIDEN. People are there to watch them, you know? You just have to make the best out of it.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”I must say that, a couple of shows down, they have been overwhelmingly accepting,” he continued. ”Enormous responses from the crowd. If we don’t have them by the first 5 to 15 minutes, we definitely have them within the last 10, so I see that as a good sign. But you know, it differs when you go to different areas. A lot of the cities that we’re playing we’ve played several times on our own over the years. We’ve gone from venues that hold 500 up to 3,000 on our own, so I guess we’re not entirely unknown. But there is a difference between a few thousand people and 20,000.”