Ghostin perustaja kertoi yhtyeen kokoonpanomuutoksista sekä tulevan albumin suunnitelmista

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 22.4.2017

Ruotsalainen okkultista rockia soittava Ghost ajautui hiljattain sisäisiin riitoihin kun bändistä erotetut neljä jäsentä päättivät haastaa yhtyeen alunperin perustaneen Tobias Forgen oikeuteen. Tobias on antanut vain kahta päivää ennen oikeusjutun julki tulemista haastattelun ranskalaiselle -sivustolle, jossa mieheltä on mm. tiedusteltu onko yhtyeen jäsenten pyydetty allekirjoittamaan dokumentti henkilöllisyyden salassa pitämiseksi. Tobias kertoi aiheesta haastattelussa seuraavaa:

“I think one of the mistakes was not putting pressure on them and not imposing a contract on them [laughs]. Let’s just say that obviously there was no such clause, because I thought that it was [tacitly] part of our agreement, but it was not, so … There was not a formal prohibition of revealing his identity.”

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Kysyttäessä minkä takia yhtyeen kokoonpano muuttuu jatkuvasti Tobias kertoi yhtyeen olleen alunperinkin tarkoitettu vain yhden miehen projektiksi ja kokoonpanon suunniteltu livekeikkojen tekemistä varten:

“I can not tell you the whole story but without going into the details, the whole thing, and it’s a fact, is that Ghost was never formed as a band and its first line-up was formed after the first album was recorded, and it was only a live line-up.

And from this line-up, it has changed many times. If you have been following us since we started performing in concert in October 2010, you will have noticed that there have been many changes over the years. None of the line-up people who were active in November last year played on Opus Eponymous, for example, know [laughs].

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We never formed the band together, it was always, I suppose, a band in the Bathory, Where there were people who played live and the people who played live were not necessarily the same who played on the albums.

On Opus and Meliora, there is a drummer who has never played live with us, for example. For my part, there has never really been … What some fans seem to think is not true. So, for me, the fact is that a time will come when people will discover that what they say or think is not correct, it is not based on the truth, but it suits me, No problem, no worries!”

Kysyttäessä millaisia suunnitelmia yhtyeellä on seuraavaa albumiaan varten kerrottiin albumista sekä sen aikataulusta seuraavaa:

“You can expect forty-five minutes of music on vinyl [laughs]. No, actually, I’m going to record all through the fall and the new album will be released within a year from now. It will be a darker album, it’s a bit of an idea, because the album takes place at a time I suppose full of people, especially in Europe, have found completely apocalyptic, and this period has made a lot of.

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But it also led the continent to prosper after the fact. It is an album that will be completely impregnated by death, but it will also be an album on survival. Combining these two things is my driving force in the design of this album. Because it will be dark but there will be … You know, in order to really, really see the darkness, we need light, So as to have a reference and know to recognize the darkness. It is my vocation today, make this album.”