Ghostin Tobias Forge: ”Haluan bändimme olevan mielummin seuraava Rammstein kuin seuraava Pearl Jam”
Ruotsalainen okkultista rockia soittava Ghost julkaisi viimeisimmän ”Impera” -nimisen albuminsa maaliskuussa Loma Vista Recordingsin kautta. Yhtyeen keulakuva Tobias Forge on antanut albumiin liittyen haastattelun The Pitille, jossa kertoo näkevänsä nykyisin omia stadion keikkojaan soittavan Rammsteinin tavallaan kuin opasteena jota kohti hän pyrkii oman yhtyeensä live show:n kanssa. Forge kertoi haastattelussa aiheesta seuraavaa:
“If there’s a comparison to make, it’s better for us to compare ourselves to more contemporary bands rather than my idols. All those 60s bands, it feels like they were 100 years ago now, with a completely different set of rules and a different world. But even talking about AC/DC, Metallica or Iron Maiden, it was a different time and age.
“But if I compare us to a band that’s at least a little bit closer to me, generationally, it would be Rammstein. I have no intention of sounding like them, but as a visionary, it’s motivating for me to see how a band that were doing arenas up until a couple of years ago now play stadiums. Remember that it’s one thing to play arenas, and it’s another thing to sell out arenas. They’re also a fictional sort of band, highly themed, and they put on a show, as opposed to Pearl Jam, who go up in normal street-wear and play on a carpet, and who seem like your down-to-earth, well-educated bros. Ha ha! So I’d see Rammstein as the sort of guidepost that I’m working towards.”
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