Ghostin Tobias Forge kertoo tuoreessa haastattelussa olevansa allerginen nu-metallille

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 3.3.2022

Ruotsalainen okkultista rockia soittava Ghost julkaisee seuraavan ”Impera” -nimisen albuminsa maaliskuun 11. päivä LomaVista Recordingsin kautta. Yhtyeen keulakuva Tobias Forge on antanut albumista haastattelun Metal Injectionille, jossa on kertonut omista juurista metallimusiikin kuuntelun osalta. Forge tunnustautuu haastattelussa vanhan koulukunnan metallin diggariksi ja kertoo olevansa allerginen kaikkeen mikä liittyy vähänkään nu-metalliin. Forge kertoi omista tottumuksistaan musiikin osalta seuraavaa:

“A band that I don’t think gets mentioned a lot that’s definitely up my sleeve in terms of what I like would be Negative Plane. Obviously an old band that sort of went a little bit through a resurgence a few years ago was Gorguts. Their ‘Colored Sands‘ record was really cool.

My taste is very old school. Ever since like ’94 when nü-metal started to really show its face, I’ve been allergic to anything that suggests nü-metal and unfortunately that has been like the everlasting genre from like ’94 to today.

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The bands that I like are usually bands that sound like an ’87 sort of death metal band. Unfortunately. I hate to be negative. But I like a lot of other music. I like a lot of different rock. I’m more open when it comes to that. But when it comes to extreme metal I sort of cap it at ’93 and ’94. After that, everything else is just shit.”