Papa Emeritus alias Tobias Forge

Ghostin Tobias Forge: ”Olemme kaikesta huolimatta metalliyhtye”

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 1.7.2018

Ghostin vokalisti Tobias Forge antoi hiljattain haastattelun Graspop Metal Meeting -festivaalin yhteydessä Belgiassa, joka on katsottavissa alla olevalta videolta. Forge avaa omia musiikillisia taustojaan ja kertoo haluavansa Ghostista jättiyhtye Black Sabbathin kaltaisen kokeilunhaluisen, progressiivisen ja rohkean kokoonpanon:

” There are certain things in my writing that I guess are a little bit different from some other bands, but if I look at a band like Black Sabbath, for example, I am very inspired by Black Sabbath . I’ve listened to Black Sabbath  for as long as I can remember. I want Ghost to be a lot like a band like Black Sabbath and what they were when they made, in my opinion, their best records in the mid-’70s — very experimental, very progressive, very brave. I think that even though  Black Sabbath get a lot of praise— obviously, everybody loves Black Sabbath, and they get so much credit — I think that sometimes, it’s annoying that they don’t get credit for how fucking brave they were in 1973, 1974, 1975, when they made ’Sabbath Bloody Sabbath’, ’Sabotage’, ’Vol. 4’. Those records were so… I am way more influenced by those than I am by their two first records. I want Ghost to be a band like that. I don’t want to sound like Black Sabbath, but I want my band to be as brave and progressive. Unfortunately, in this day and age, I think that once metal became a little bit of an establishment, it also showed a side that is quite conservative and has a lot of dogmatic rules. Heavy metal is embraced by a big span of ages, so you will always have the elders who are protective and teaches the younger people of how things should be. If we get started on mid-’80s death metal, I will be extremely anal. I am myself also responsible for that sort of onesidedness, I would say. But it is what it is, and I think we’re a metal band at the end of the day.”

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