Ghostin Tobias Forge paljastaa tulevan ”Phantomime” EP:n olleen alunperin tarkoitettu kokonaiseksi albumiksi
Ruotsalainen okkultista rockia soittava Ghost on julkaisemassa kaiken kaikkiaan viidestä coverista koostuvan ”Phantomime”-nimisen EP:n toukokuun 18. päivä Loma Vista Recordingsin kautta. Yhtyeen nokkamies Tobias Forge on paljastanut tuoreessa NME:n haastattelussa, että yhtyeellä oli alunperin suunnitelmissa julkaista kokonaisen albumin verran covereita mutta suunnitelmat julkaisun suhteen muuttuivat lopulta. Forge paljastaa haastattelussa bändin nauhoittaneen covereita ainakin Motörheadin, U2:n, Misfitsin sekä Rushin kappaleista, joita saatetaan julkaista tulevaisuudessa. Forge kertoi tulevasta EP:stä seuraavaa:
“Originally, the idea was to have 10 songs on this covers record, because I wanted to make a complete record and that LP was going to basically mirror ‘Impera‘ somehow. Originally the selection was a little bit more eclectic. Look, I’m not going into great detail about them, because we might use some of them at a later point. But, it was basically like a piano version of a Motörhead song.
There was [also] a Misfits song that was really cool and a U2 track. We recorded it all. In fact, we did a really finished demo of Rush’s ‘Distant Early Warning’, and then after ‘Impera‘ I was just like, ‘I want to do a rock EP. A pure rock EP!’”
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Tobias Forge kertoo eilen julkaistusta Genesiksen coverista ”Jesus He Knows Me” seuraavaa:
“A few years ago, maybe 10 years ago, it almost felt like this song – these other songs too – were a little bit dated lyrically. That’s because they were! You know, this band – these guys in Genesis – were singing about early ’90s ladies; about televangelists!
All that stuff, it felt dated a few years ago. Whereas now, everything that we’re singing about on this song, everything that this song is about is actually right back up beside what I’m writing about in my own material.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyWhat I’m writing about is a completely contemporary commentary on basically a movement within the free Western world who wants to flatten the Earth. This movement wants to regress the world, and just completely turn the clock back to Mediaeval times. I don’t know what that’s about, it’s just stupidity!”
“There’s this almost outspoken like mantra of, ‘Let’s be stupid!’ Because that’s so much more fucking comfortable. You know [it’s like], ‘let’s just be ignorant!’ And, what actually ends up happening is that because we seem to collectively just decide this, everybody follows it.
The Western world is going through a very similar time everywhere, It’s just that we don’t really have a Trump anywhere else but America. We don’t have a GOP. We don’t have a Marjorie Taylor Greene. But, there are a lot of the things that are happening in America actually happening all over Europe.”