Ghostin Tobias Forge ylistää Tina Turneria: ”Pidin häntä aina loistavana artistina”
Tänä kesänä mm. Provinssin lauteille nouseva okkultista rockia soittava Ghost julkaisi hiljattain ”Phantomime”-nimisen EP:n, joka sisältää yhtyeen tulkinnan Tina Turnerin alunperin tunnetuksi tekemästä ”We Don’t Need Another Hero” -kappaleesta. Kappaleesta tuli yhtäkkiä varsin ajankohtainen sillä Turner siirtyi ajasta ikuisuuteen pitkäaikaisen sairauden uuvuttamana 83 vuoden iässä 24. päivä toukokuuta. Nyt bändin keulakuva Tobias Forge on ylistänyt Metal Hammerille Tina Turneria kertoen aina pitäneensä tätä erittäin loistavana artistina. Forgen mukaan Turnerin upea ura ikävistä vastoinkäymisistä huolimatta oli erittäin ansaittua ja hän ylisti laulajaa seuraavasti:
”I’ve always loved We Don’t Need Another Hero, and I’ve always thought Tina Turner was such a fantastic artist.
“As with several other artists, our generation got a lot more acquainted with their lives through movies. Jim Morrison was a big one when The Doors movie came out in 1991, which had a big push for the cult around The Doors.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy“Tina Turner had her own share of that, and everything that had happened with Ike, which a lot of us became aware of thanks to [1993 biopic] What’s Love Got To Do With It?
“I liked her songs for so much longer than that movie has been out, but that movie really made us aware of what an extraordinary uphill battle she’s fought. Also, for lack of a better word, how well deserved her enormous career in the 80s was.
“Being a huge fan of the Rolling Stones, I’d been aware that she’d been around since the 60s and had a lot of bangers before they worked together, but in the 80s her radio and cinematic presence was that of a huge star. A chart dominating star, too. For her, at her age and with everything she’d gone through, it wasn’t a given and must have felt like a last hurrah.
“I understand she was a sad person, which feels like such a sad thing, considering her talent and everything she accomplished. But obviously, that motherfucker Ike… Rest in shame, Ike Turner.”