Ghostin Tobias Forgella ei ole mielenkiintoa julkaista omaa sooloalbumia lähitulevaisuudessa
Ruotsalaisen, okkultista rockia soittavan Ghostin nokkamies Tobias Forge on antanut Heavy MTL -festivaalin yhteydessä Rock Talk With Mitch Lafonille haastattelun, jossa mieheltä on kysytty mielenkiinnosta julkaista joskus oma sooloalbumi. Tobias on haastattelussa kertonut täyttävänsä musiikilliset halunsa täysin Ghostin kanssa, eikä hänellä sen vuoksi ole mitään tarvetta kirjoittaa sooloalbumia. Tobias kertoi aiheesta haastattelussa seuraavaa:
”As of right now, I don’t have a professional inclination to do anything that would feel dramatically different from GHOST. It feels like, having broadened the palette, and having been able to push in songs that, before they existed, I was a little bit on the fence about — ’He Is’, for example; even the first part of ’Ghuleh’ was a song that I wasn’t sure this was gonna work. But as it did, that also allowed for a lot of leverage and a lot of clearance and a lot of basement to utilize in the real estate that you keep excavating and exploring. And having noticed that I can sort of get away with writing ’Life Eternal’ and songs like that, it feels like, well, if I can do that with GHOST, and I can also write ’Mummy Dust’ and I can write that and the other, it feels like I don’t have to go someplace else. Some musicians do that — some musicians do it masterfully and just completely do something different with another band.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”I regard my writing and my form of expressing myself a little bit more similar to QUEEN, I guess, rather than AC/DC, in a way. And I like that — I like the idea of hopefully being a 50-year-old or a 60-year-old and eventually a 70-year-old, maybe older, having a very wide repertoire of various songs. I prefer that, I think.”