New Found Glory vetäytyy tauolle

Kirjoittanut Teemu Hakala - 29.11.2012

Yhdysvaltalainen pop-punk -yhtye New Found Glory aikoo siirtyä tauolle parhaillaan meneilään olevan 10-vuotiskiertueensa jälkeen. Bändi ei aio julkaista uutta materiaalia ennen vuotta 2014.

”I think we need to go away for a little bit. We’ve been touring for a long time. I don’t think anybody’s in the headspace for writing a new record. We won’t go away completely; we’re still gonna be doing things here and there, probably some one-offs and things like that. But to be honest I don’t think we’ll have anything new out until 2014.

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”Oh, I’m completely confident we’ll be back. We’ve done this before… the last time we had a long break was probably 2006 or 2007. A record runs its course and we take a break, and before long we’re ready to do something again.”