God Dethroned

God Dethroned julkaisi musiikkivideon uudesta ”Illuminati” -singlestään

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 14.12.2019
God Dethroned

Hollantilainen death metal -yhtye God Dethroned  julkaisi helmikuun 7. päivä ilmestyvän ”Illuminati” -albuminsa nimikkokappaleen musiikkivideon kera. Single antaa esimakua levystä, joka kulkee jälleen pimeällä puolella. Kappaleissa käsitellään uskontoa, vapaamuurariutta ja okkultismia. Bändin edellinen ”The World Ablaze” -levy ilmestyi vuonna 2017.

God Dehtroned paljastaa, että tuleva albumi on bändin monipuolisin julkaisu, ja sen soundi kuuluu vahvana ja orkestraalisena. Kappaleet eivät yhtyeen mukaan avaudu kertasoitolla, sillä niissä on paljon piilotettuja yksityiskohtia, jotka paljastuvat useamman kuuntelun jälkeen.

“Freemasons, occultists and conspiracy theory enthusiasts pay attention! God Dethroned is back to smack you in the face with our new album called ‘Illuminati‘. After finishing the ’World War One’ trilogy, it was about time to go back to dark side with songs about religion, freemasonry and the occult. Song titles like ‘Spirit of Beelzebub‘, ‘Broken Halo‘, ‘Book of Lies‘ and ‘Satan Spawn‘ leave very little to the imagination as to what to expect from us from a lyrical point of view.

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But those of you who expected us to go back into a raging frenzy of endless blastbeats and buzzsaw blade guitar sounds better beware. ‘Illuminati‘ is our most varied album to date with a heavy, yet in-your-face type of production. We managed to make our sound bigger and more orchestral than ever before with the use of both atmospheric keyboard parts and many additional vocal parts such as choirs and grunt-on-tone type of vocals.

There is a lot to be discovered in the songs of this album because of the many details hidden in the music that will only reveal itself after many listens, and at the same time the tunes on ‘Illuminati‘ are catchier than ever before.

Lovers of Randy Rhoads-meets-Marty Friedman type of melodic guitar solos should definitely give Dave Meester‘s spectacular leads a listen. Dave was welcomed to the band’s line-up during the European tour with Belphegor and Suffocation and stayed within our ranks ever since.

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Former guitar player Mike Ferguson however contributed greatly to ‘Illuminati‘ by writing several stunning songs and riffs as well as recording half of all the rhythm tracks on the album. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours.”

“Illuminati” -levyn Kappalelista:

01. “Illuminati”
02. “Broken Halo”
03. “Book of Lies”
04. “Spirit of Beelzebub”
05. “Satan Spawn”
06. “Gabriel”
07. “Eye of Horus”
08. “Dominus Muscarum”
09. “Blood Moon Eclipse”

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