Godsmackin nokkamies Sully Erna tuoreessa haastattelussa: ”Suuntaamme tien päälle todennäköisesti vasta vuoden 2022 alussa”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 30.9.2020

Yhdysvaltalaisen raskasta rockia soittavan Godsmackin laulaja Sully Erna on antanut hiljattain Offstage With DWP:lle videohaastattelun, jossa hän on kertonut bändin suunnitelmista tulevaisuuden suhteen. Erna on haastattelussa todennut bändin olevan tällä hetkellä varsin skeptinen keikkailun suhteen ensi vuoden osalta, joten todennäköisesti yhtye palaa tien päälle vasta vuoden 2022 uuden albumin turvin, kun koronavirus on saatu toivottavasti kukistettua.

Erna jakoi omia ajatuksiaan korona-ajasta sekä bändin tulevaisuudesta seuraavasti:

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”I haven’t done any [shows] since last November when we ended the ’When Legends Rise’ record cycle. But for me, life really hasn’t changed much, because in order to write music, you have to kind of isolate for that anyways. You don’t really write music in the middle of a nightclub or with a house full of people — most of the time. You’re just kind of isolating and doing your own thing and working out melodies and lyrics and riffs and whatever. So we were just at that stage anyways, coming off of an album cycle, to have to go in and start writing again. And then COVID hit, and the world has been spinning upside down for a little while. But it’s been kind of life fairly as normal for me, just working on new material and stuff like that.

I don’t really even think we’re gonna do anything next year, because I think it’s still gonna be a big mystery on how tours are gonna go, how concerts are gonna go, how promoters are gonna treat artists, how insurance companies are gonna treat venues. I think it’s still a bit of a mystery to figure out, so I think we’re gonna kick back and watch everyone else kind of scramble and figure it out and see how it works out and probably dip our toe back in in the beginning of ’22.”

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