Godsmackin Sully Erna: ”Pyrin saamaan tänä vuonna kaksi albumia valmiiksi ennen lomia”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 9.7.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen, raskasta rokkia soittava Godsmack työstää parhaillaan musiikkia tulevaa albumiaan varten, jonka julkaisu tapahtuu vuonna 2021. Yhtyeen laulaja Sully Erna on vahvistanut asian tuoreessa Offstage With DWP:n haastattelussa ja kertonut aikovansa yrittää saada tämän vuoden aikana myös seuraavan sooloalbuminsa valmiiksi. Sully kertoi sekä omista että bändin tulevaisuuden suunnitelmista seuraavaa:

”There’s a lot going on, but what is gonna be permitted is yet to be told. My main priority is to spend the rest of this year with my band, writing, rehearsing, recording, mixing, mastering, getting new GODSMACK ready to go for the top of ’21. And I’m really hoping to be able to get even a solo record done this year. So I’m gonna try to get very aggressive with my creativity and get two records done before the holidays. So that’s gonna be challenging. Once I’m in that creative space, though, it usually starts going quick. It’s just getting that wound open again and trying to get that vessel to work, that instrument to work. Because when it’s closed off for a while and you’re just being dad, and you’re being the guy who’s trying to set up a new business, and you’re installing new hardwood floors at your house or something — you’re just that dude, right? And you’re not playing the guitar and getting artsy. So I’ve gotta shut off that to become this again. Once I get into that open space, then I think I should be able to get a couple of records done this year. So as far as content goes, that’s one of my missions to accomplish in 2020 while the world is rehabbing.”

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”The other thing that we are getting very close on is, I have a feature documentary that’s been shot for many years now about my life story from zero until I got a record deal, which is based on a book that I put out, ’The Paths We Choose’. They’ve been working on this feature documentary about that, and we’re really hoping that’s gonna be wrapped by the end of July and try to find a home for it, whether it’s Netflix or somewhere it has a platform to play it on. So that’s on the plate.”

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